(970) 426-2203

Facebook Page Fans are Hard Core

Did you know that 76% of Fans come back every day to Facebook? And that the typical Fan has and average of 310 friends?  That is a very powerful bit of information if you are using social media in your small business marketing plan. Page fans also click links 5 times...

How to Start a Small Business Blog

This is probably not the first blog post you have read about starting a business blog, and it won’t be your last! Reading all of the information that is being produced about what to write, how to write it, and how to optimize it for the web would take months –...

Can 100 Alaska Businesses Be Wrong?

This webinar reviews a report written by Alaskarama that graded 100 small businesses for their website effectiveness.  We show the different key components of what goes wrong and give suggestions on how to fix them. Review archive of webinar Review the slides: Can 100...