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Who has time to keep up with web marketing when we have so many hats to wear? Not many of us. Even though it is one of the most important components to a successful business.

Our first topic in this series, SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, keeps your website fresh in the eyes of search engines. Specifically, we are discussing the title tags (Page Titles) which show up in the tabs of browsers . These tags tell the search engine what the page is about.

If I can give you little 5 minute tasks, can you fit that into your schedule?
I see a new series of articles coming your way….

5 minute SEORemember, as I have said many times before, Google is a business just like you and I are in business. They want to provide the best results for people searching for information or businesses just like yours and mine.

Their “robots” scour the vast number of websites and content out there to find that best result. How do they know where to go? There are many criteria, but if you do not have these simple things, you may go unnoticed by those robots. We surely don’t want that do we?

SEO is driven by keywords. That will be another article, but might be a bit more time involved. But hey, I am up for a challenge and will try to break it down into 5 minute segments.

Here is your task for the day

  1. Open your website. Look at the tab on your browser. Does the text in the tab have your main keyword at the beginning? (You may need to put your mouse over the tab to see full text). Should be something like this: Website Design | Inbound Train | Tennessee. This example shows the search engine that the page is about website design by Inbound Train in Tennessee. That is if you are trying to attract local business.
  2. Now look on the content on the page. Does the name on the page have the same keyword phrase? In this case, my page title will be “Website Design in Tennessee.”
  3. Scan the first paragraph on the page. Do you have that same phrase in the text? The sooner the better.
  4. Do the same for all your main pages (not blog pages at this time). Each one should be different key word phrases.
  5. Jot down any pages that need help. This will be handed off to your web person, or put on your to do list.

Check back for more 5 Minute Checks. After an hour of these you will be amazed at your progress!