(970) 426-2203

geek meet januaryThis month we had a couple of Google announcements to share, spent some time on sharing social media best practices and an automation tool to help you get things done!

Two versions are available here. The first is a Slideshare, which you can click on and go to our
Slideshare page on LinkedIn with notes. The second is a video recording of the webinar that is also in our Youtube channel.

Why am I telling you this? Because it is an example of how you can share one piece of content. Here is what we did with this event:

  1. Created a PowerPoint and shared during a webinar using AnyMeeting (very affrodable).
  2. Recorded the session in AnyMeeting.
  3. Share the link using Mailchimp to my email list for those that did not make it.
  4. Downloaded the recording as MPEG 4 file and uploaded into Youtube.
  5. Loaded the PowerPoint into Slideshare, which is part of our LinkedIn account.
  6. Shared the Slideshare withing LinkedIn.
  7. Posted both into this blog post which I will share out to other social network sites, such as Google+, Facebook pages, Twitter, and LinkedIn again.

Have I forgotten anything? Hope not. The point is, my goal is to have many people see the Geek Meets and how helpful they can be. Once they like the Geek Meets, they might like other things we offer. It is all a part of our marketing strategy.

Can you create a Power Point about something your target audience would be interested in? Sure you can. You can record it without an audience and still start sharing it out there.