(970) 426-2203

Using LinkedIn for Business

Learn to use LinkedIn to communicate with potential customers and/or find referral partners!

Why do you want to use LinkedIn?

13 Reasons to use LinkedIn

  1. Show people who you are and where you come from.
  2. Get endorsed and recommended for your skills and your experience.
  3. Show off your special projects and display your work.
  4. Get traffic to your website.
  5. Post updates and get visitors to your blog posts
  6. Become a thought leader in your field.
  7. Build relationships with others.
  8. Use for top of mind awareness
  9. Use groups to get traffic to your blog posts
  10. Gain access to experts
  11. Use groups to connect with those you may not normally have access to.
  12. Searchable database of professional with whom you may want to become referral partners.
  13. Be introduced to people you would not have access to.

Why You Need Linkedin Even If You Dont’ Think You Do

To Build Relationships– If you are a solo-entrepreneur you would benefit from building relationships on LinkedIn.

For example, a counselor could join a group for counselors in their region, get advice from them about marketing, techniques, and other associations to join.

Maybe you need to get information about writing a better blog posts – think Bloggers Groups

And still a local group would help with building connections with local professionals with whom you could easily set up referrals partners

Business is always about who you know– A major rule of business revolves around who you know. The additional benefit with LinkedIn is that you can see who else the people you are connected with are connected with.

You can see that you are connected to someone who has a job opening, or a company you would like to offer a service contract to. When you find someone you want to connect with, you can ask the middle man (your shared connection) to introduce you.

Get Found– People who use LinkedIn use it A LOT. They use it to search for people in every industry that can help them personally and professionally. If you want to be found for these reasons, make sure your profile is found, filled out completely and competitive for your industry.

LinkedIn for Everyone Who Is In Business

LinkedIn is a great place to begin making connections that are beneficial,if you have a job, plan to have a career, or want to someday do a task professionally. It isn’t just for finding jobs, it’s for growing your business relationships.

About the Workshop

We have designed the workshop in two parts so you have time in between to do all the profile work. The first session is focused on optimizing your profile to attract the best connections. The second session will focus on best practices for using LinkedIn for connecting to the right people, and ultimately finding new customers and referral partners.

LinkedIn is not used for directly selling your services or products. It is about making connections. Of course you can buy ads, but that is not what we are focusing on.


  • Each session is 90 minutes.
  • Class is limited to 6 participants.
  • Bring laptop or tablet with keyboard – both days
  • Create your LinkedIn account prior to first session (https://www.linkedin.com) and remember your login

Register today to reserve your space!

Register today by selecting the class you wish to attend. 
Each class is limited to 6 participants.
$79 includes two sessions

If you receive a Class is Full message, please let us know and we can start a waiting list for a second offering.

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